2017 / Design For Society / Design for Environment / Professional

CPH Sense

  • Company
    Leapcraft, Denmark
  • Lead Designer
    Vinay Venkatraman
  • Design Team
    Milan Földi, Christian Sonne, Rohit Sharma, Vignesh Krishnamoorthy, Drew Rosskelly, Joshua Flowers
  • Project Link
CPH Sense is sensing as a service product to
gather deep insight into the environmental
conditions of a city. CPH Sense measures air
quality and pollution levels. CPH Sense uses full
power of cloud computing and offers a highly
scalable solution to capture multiple sensor-
based data, analysis of data sets at high speed.
We have had a high focus on creating a sensor
of high quality while maintaining a very elegant
and efficient design. Thus, with a good design
and only the need of a power connection we have
made it possible for cities to measure air
quality street by street without interfering with
the visual experience of the city. With our
sensor, it has become possible and easy for cities
to offer citizens a mapping of the air quality
in their local neighborhood. The design integrated
a radically new approach in science to make
a compact and high quality sensor. Before this
product such sensors were about a size of a 20-
foot container.

The design has focus on:
- City planning and blending in to the city
landscape through good industrial design
- Installation: It is easy to mount and dismount
due to just one security screw thus, saving
valuable installation costs and time
- Uniqueness: The design is unique in the way
that it allows for air to be taken in while keeping
water and other deberies out
- Simplicity: The design also makes it very simple
for electrical installation with high focus on
- A good balance between good visual appeal and
blending in to city infrastructure to avoid
-The design makes it truly plug and play -
allowing for powerful data visualization to be
within minutes of installation.
Photo Credit: Leapcraft