2017 / Office Equipment / Furnishings/Modules / Professional

kinema active chair

  • Company
    Kinema GmbH, Germany
  • Lead Designer
    Stefan Zoell
  • Design Team
    Arno Henkel Matthias Hartung
  • Client
    Kinema GmbH
  • Project Link
  • Other credit
    Exactly What The Kinema Active Chair Was Designed To Do. Active, Elevated Sitting With An Integrated Function For Pelvis Rotation Promotes And Demands Body Movement. The Kinema Active Chair Liberates Its User From The Monotony Of Inflexible Body Posture One Is Usually Confronted With At A Desk Work Station. With Only Two Adjustable Parts It Is Easy To Set Up, Simple To Use And Combinable With Height-adjustable Desks And Tables.
Active sitting – a constant combination of
sitting and standing is the key to healthy
office living. A revolution of work space
ergonomics brought to you by the world’s first
kinema active chair. Let’s face it, office
dwellers are confronted with major health
issues every day.

Long periods of sitting are “the new smoking“
as studies show. People who spend most of
their days slumped over are more likely to
suffer from cardiovascular problems or to have
a higher vulnerability to diabetes. But simply
switching to standing up while working at a
desk will not fix the problem, because
according to science standing for more than
five hours at a time isn’t much healthier than
sitting – it may cause chronic back pain or
musculoskeletal disorders. So, there is no ONE
ideal posture for desk jockeys. But there is a
healthy solution – a well-balanced combination
of standing and sitting.

Other prizes
Varieties of the kinema active chair: 2014 - International Design Award 2015 - International Design Award 2016 - German Design Award

Photo Credit: Kinema Gmbh
Credits: Exactly what the kinema active chair was designed to do. Active, elevated sitting with an integrated function for pelvis rotation promotes and demands body movement. The kinema active chair liberates its user from the monotony of inflexible body posture one is usually confronted with at a desk work station. With only two adjustable parts it is easy to set up, simple to use and combinable with height-adjustable desks and tables.